Sunday, October 5, 2014

"Into The Woods"

"Into The Woods"
6 color reduction woodcut 
Image 9x12
paper 13x16
Image is made on artist quality paper BKF Rives

This multi-color image is printed by hand using the reduction method.  I first carve from a woodblock the areas/shapes to be left the color of the print paper. The first area I carve away becomes the white of the paper, I apply ink to the woodblock (orange in this case) and rolled it onto the woodblock and transferred on paper either by hand or by a hand operated proofing press, the image that is made is then orange and white (white where I carved) the block is cleaned off, and I then carve away the areas to remain orange. After the first color dries, The next color is printed directly over the previous... and so on until the print is finished.  I keep my editions small and each image is a little different than it's sibling.

Price is for print only, no mat or frame. Print ships flat in a protective sleeve with mat board backing.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

"Doll House"

"Doll House"
12x18 print on watercolor paper permanently adhered to board

This is a mixed media piece - I used a woodcut print, watercolor, makers, pen, fiber medium and self leveling medium to create a transparent look to the piece 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Watercolor sketch of Lake Tahoe shed 
"The little studio "

Saturday, May 31, 2014

"This little house"

12" x 18" Woodcut print edition
Printed on 80 LB pure white paper

This print was done 100% by hand. I drew the original image directly on a block of basswood 

and carved the image in low-relief using hand tools. To print the finished block onto paper 
I rolled Gamblin oil relief ink onto the block. Paper was placed on the block and I rubbed the ink into the paper with a baren. I made 4 prints as you can see by the numbering. I am going to experiment with different color techniques with one or two of the prints  

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Three Woody Scenes

10x14 on watercolor paper 
Woodblock Print - painted with watercolor

This is a hand-pulled print from a woodblock relief - really fun media - and my new obsession. I printed the image on Watercolor paper - then used watercolor to paint. The entire process is really fun , the carving of the block might just be my favorite part, but seeing the print come off the block is fun too. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Woodblock print on T-shirts

I am trying my hand at woodblock carving and printing and loving the carving process - the printing not so much wow it is tough to make a good print 

                                                                  woodblock carving

                                                         Printed on Old Navy T-shirt

                                                                           Close up

Printed on green t

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dog Mat for Kekin

 I hand dyed the orange wool
 Detail of stitch work
 Henri will have a Mat soon 
Kekin and her new Mat

Friday, March 7, 2014

Tahoe Bear Rug

I finished this rug about 8 months ago - it took me about 6 months to finish it - It measures about 3 feet by 4 feet. I loved working on it because there were so many different parts - The bears are needle-felted and the border is a faux fur - it is my least favorite part of the rug - and isn't holding up very well to the abuse it takes - so I will not be doing this type of border again.